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New information just released from Google regarding its Panda should be implemented in creating new content and enhancing existing content within a website. Here are the main details that you should consider to ensure your website flourishes with the recent update to the core algorithm: Delete content only with extreme […]
Webmaster and trends analyst John Mueller caused a bit of a stir last week, when web marketing headlines reported he’d said that title tags weren’t considered to be an important ranking factor by Google. In actual fact, he was misrepresented, as what he really said was that title tags weren’t […]
If there’s something SEO people like, it’s reading between the lines and speculating. It’s a crucial thing to do really, in an industry that largely revolves around reverse-engineering Google’s work. So recently, when a Google representative casually announced that “Panda is now part of Google’s core ranking algorithm” this introduced […]
Google’s Page Quality guidelines were published in November 2015. While they have been dissected and pored over to try and determine ranking factors, they offer some genuinely thoughtful and beneficial guides to follow, for those that want to improve the user experience of their website. There’s nothing wrong with constantly […]
Voice recognition software has been available for a long time now, but it took Apple to make it mainstream with Siri. The voice recognition app for iPhones and iPads allows people to ask simple questions, set reminders on their phones, and search for things without having to use an awkward […]
It is not uncommon for brand owners that have a presence in multiple countries, or that have several variations on their branding, to offer sub-domains as a way of targeting different audiences. However, sub-domains could be causing some cannibalisation in the search results, so they may not be as good […]
For a long time, it’s been understood that longer search queries tend to exhibit clearer intent. However, in the early days of online marketing there was still a lot of benefit to be had from targeting those short search queries. Back then users did not really understand how to search […]
Structured data is now becoming more and more evident across many aspects of search. The most striking example of that today is in the search engine’s results pages. From simple beginnings like the classic “10 blue links”, to the modern information rich displays, results pages have made significant changes over […]
Whenever Google does updates on its search rankings, the world and his dog sits up, ears perked, waiting for the news. With Google responsible for around 80 to 85% of the total web traffic on the Internet today, doing well with Google means doing well in general online. The quality […]