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It’s been just over a month since Christmas, but when we enter February, we begin to see the next massive surge of search engine activity, with the run down to Valentine’s Day. From February 1st there is still two weeks to go but you can see even in the first […]
Google draws on many types of data to rank their search engine results, but CTRs (Click-through Rates) are not included in the decision making of their algorithms. That is the official line, of course; they have stated that they only use them for assessing the quality of their results. So […]
Advertising trends have a tendency to evolve from year to year. At a macro level marketing managers will always redefine their main areas of focus, within social, mobile and personalisation, which are crucial sectors. Because they are constantly evolving, it’s important to understand that predicting trends at the beginning of […]
It is official: we’re living in such a fast paced era, that often the technology develops faster than people get used to it. Voice Search is a shining example of the statement above: it’s something that has been available (and reasonably functional) in smartphones for a few years now. But […]
Native advertising is a controversial subject. There are some people – mostly app makers – who think that it is a great way to monetise their products. Then there are others who feel that this kind of advertising is little better than spyware, being too invasive for their tastes. However, […]
Over the last year we have finally started to see signs that the content marketing industry is becoming mature and established. Rather than being seen as glorified spam, content marketing is now seen as a brand building exercise, with social intelligence and search being at the forefront of the industry. […]
For the last several years, Google has been the clear leader in the search stakes, but this is not necessarily a good thing. When Google was fighting against Yahoo, the race to the top was beneficial for everyone – users and webmasters, but now that Google is the clear winner, […]
If you ask any webmaster where they want their website to appear in the SERPs, they will likely respond ‘number one!’ but is that really important these days? For most businesses, the answer is actually “no”. Which Results are Getting Clicked on the Most? Even as recently as a year […]
When most people think of the web, and their best source of traffic, they most likely think of Google, however that may not be the case for long. According to a recent report from Parse.ly, Facebook now refers more traffic to news websites than Google. In Parse.ly’s quarterly authority report, […]