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Google Penguin

Google Ranking Fluctuations Continue

Posted by Paul Smith | January 19, 2016

Just like the notable fluctuations seen over the weekend of January 9th, 2015, which turned out to be a core algorithm update confirmed by Google, noticeably higher fluctuations were seen over this past weekend of January 16th. Social media and tech forums were buzzing with discussions on the weekend as […]

Google Updates
google voice search

Voice Search is The Future Present of Search Engines

Posted by Paul Smith | January 18, 2016

It is official: we’re living in such a fast paced era, that often the technology develops faster than people get used to it. Voice Search is a shining example of the statement above: it’s something that has been available (and reasonably functional) in smartphones for a few years now. But […]

Online Marketing
Respove Web Design

Can Native Advertising Really Work?

Posted by Paul Smith | January 18, 2016

Native advertising is a controversial subject. There are some people – mostly app makers – who think that it is a great way to monetise their products. Then there are others who feel that this kind of advertising is little better than spyware, being too invasive for their tastes. However, […]

Online Marketing
Google Panda

Google’s Panda Merged with the Core Ranking Algorithm

Posted by Paul Smith | January 15, 2016

Seasoned Google-watchers will know that their ranking results are in constant flux, and that every little change can spark off rumours in the SEO community of a Google update. Most of these whispers turn out to be false alarms, usually caused by the effects of personalisation or simply the real […]

Google Updates
Google Blue Logo

Google Performs Major Core Ranking Algorithm Update

Posted by Paul Smith | January 15, 2016

Several Webmaster Trend Analysts at Google, namely Zineb Ait Bahajji, Gary Illyes and John Mueller, confirmed over the weekend via their personal Twitter accounts that the changes webmasters were seeing were in fact due to a core ranking algorithm update, instead of the more expected Penguin update. While changes could […]

Google Updates
google voice search

Will Voice Search Change How We Think About SEO?

Posted by Paul Smith | January 11, 2016

Voice recognition software has been available for a long time now, but it took Apple to make it mainstream with Siri. The voice recognition app for iPhones and iPads allows people to ask simple questions, set reminders on their phones, and search for things without having to use an awkward […]

Search Engine Optimisation
Google Logo

Google becoming more demanding with content standards

Posted by Paul Smith | January 7, 2016

Google released the latest version of its Search Quality Rating guidelines in November 2015. These guidelines help Google’s employees to understand the ranking system and to identify websites that are high quality in addition to those that should not be ranked well in the results. The guidelines are 160 pages […]

Twitter Marketing

How the content marketing industry is maturing

Posted by Paul Smith | January 4, 2016

Over the last year we have finally started to see signs that the content marketing industry is becoming mature and established. Rather than being seen as glorified spam, content marketing is now seen as a brand building exercise, with social intelligence and search being at the forefront of the industry. […]

Online Marketing
Social Media

Why dedicated ‘thank you’ pages are now a must-have

Posted by Paul Smith | December 22, 2015

If you are engaged in PPC marketing, a dedicated ‘thank you’ page is a must-have for your website. There was a time when you could get away with not having one; however, thanks to the release of smart pixels for Facebook and Bing, you are missing out on quite a […]

Pay per Click
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