Google has just added a new paid search how-to guidebook to its Learn tab, which will help users that are currently feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of AdWords updates that have rolled out recently.
Best Practices for AdWords
The new learning tool is called the Google Best Practices series, and it can be found under the Help section of your AdWords account. Google have designed it so that it offers actionable and clear advice on how to best make use of AdWords products and how to use paid search successfully. This tool is to be treated as Google’s official AdWords guidebook, and it includes sections on everything from measuring analytics to optimising keywords.
In addition, Google has added a new timeline tool which will make it easier for people to keep track of updates. The tool is intended to make features and changes more accessible. It lists all AdWords updates in chronological order so that people can stay informed of the latest changes without having to invest time into searching for applicable updates. The timeline offers brief descriptions of what has happened in each update, describes new products, lists features, and provides links to more information.
More Transparency around Updates
Google rolls out several updates to AdWords each month, with some being minor updates such as combining Flash and HTML5 ads into one area of the Google Display Network, and others being much more sophisticated. It is difficult for users who are not professional ad managers to stay up to date with these updates, but Google hopes that by providing a central place for people to access such information it will be easier for anyone to run campaigns.
Google has been working on improving the transparency of all of their platforms, providing clearer information about penalties in the Google Webmaster Tools section, and offering numerous learning tools for Google Analytics too.
At first glance, the learning curve for the Google suite of tools for webmasters and online marketers can be intimidating, but it is actually easier to understand than it first seems. Between the new Best Practices guidelines and the Google Webmaster Help site there is a wealth of information out there to help webmasters learn their way around Google’s properties and to find out the best way to promote their websites while still staying within Google’s guidelines for paid search and SEO.